Fall is when you should worry about cricket infestations on Long Island, in New York City and around surrounding areas. They grow numerous in the summer, then, as the weather turns colder, large populations look for a dark, moist warm place to lay their eggs. If they can get into your home or business, they…
We have had a perfect summer. Cool temperatures and just the right amount of rain. It has been as perfect for mice as it has been for us—but winter is coming. The rodent population outdoors is now booming—and every last one of them is going to be looking for a warm home come fall. Could…
We have had a wet and cool spring and early summer—ideal for breeding silverfish and firebrats. As the days warm up, these scaly insects slither out of their warm winter nests to invade your kitchen, shelves, and attic. They will eat flour, cereal, book bindings, wallpaper paste, and stored holiday ornaments and old documents. Learn…
Early summer is the usual start of increased carpenter ant activity, but the cold and rainy spring in the New York and Long Island area has shifted peak swarming into July. Like termites, carpenter ants spread when an established colony produces winged males and females who swarm to mate and find new colonies. Like termites,…
Bees, wasps and yellow jackets can put a sting in your summer. Warm weather, abundant flowers, picnics and outdoor activities make it high season for these pests. Beyond their sting, these pests can damage your property. New York, Long Island, Westchester and Rockland County Wasp and Bee Species Over 4,000 species of bees and wasps…
Termite swarm season is upon us. Winter seemed to end in our area overnight—we went from 40 degrees to high 70’s in less than a week’s time. The warm sun might feel good on the skin, but it also stimulates termite colonies to increase activity and to create new colonies. Now that termites are more…
Termites are on the fly warns Angie’s List. This past weekend’s spring weather was a welcome break from winter, but watch out. Warm temperatures produce “swarmers”—winged termites looking to establish a new colony. Angie’s List has a great article on this phenomenon. Arthur Katz, CEO of Knockout Pest Control was quoted in it, telling Angie…