Cockroaches are some of the ugliest, dirtiest, and creepiest pests you’ll ever lay eyes on. Unfortunately, these disgusting pests can sneak into your home (or business) and make your place…
Ants are one of the worst nuisance pests you can have in your home. Why? Because there’s always too many to count when an infestation occurs. But the real questions…
Having your closest friends and family members over for an evening of food, drinks, music, and good conversation can be some of the best (and most relaxing) times of your…
Heading over to your parents’ house can be a regular occurrence. Whether it’s for dinner, to help them with a task, or just to drop by to say hello. But…
“Oh my, what kind of ugly bug is that!?” That’s usually the reaction most people have when they see an earwig in their home. But how did such an ugly…
When was the last time you looked up at the lighting fixtures hanging from your ceiling? Like anything else in your home, these fixtures need to be cleaned. Because over…
The quick and easy answer to this question is… YES! Before you start running for the hills, we want to explain that bats aren’t as bad as they’re portrayed in…
Nothing is more annoying than waking up to the sound of a woodpecker hammering away at the side of your home. Not only can they disturb your beauty sleep, they…
Clearing your home of clutter and junk isn’t just the key for a happy home — it’s the key to a pest-free home too! This is what happens when…
You’ve heard the name. You’ve seen the bug. But the question remains… “Does my home have rolly-pollies in it?” What Do Rolly-Pollies Look Like? You’ll know immediately when you see…