How to Clean Toys Infested With Bed Bugs
When a home is infested with bed bugs, all items within a home are suspect to the infestation. Every item should be properly treated to leave no stone unturned and not risk the infestation from spreading. While clothes can be washed, what do you do with the childrens’ toys?
Toys Made From Soft Materials
Softer toys like stuffed animals should be thrown into the dryer on high heat. After roughly 30 minutes, any bed bugs latched onto the plush toys should be killed. After removing the toys from the dryer, give them a quick inspection, and then seal them inside of plastic bags until the house is deemed clear.
Toys Made From Plastic or Wood
Luckily for items made from plastic and wood, they’re easy to inspect and clean. All you need to do is wipe down each item with a damp cloth. While easy to clean, make sure all cracks and crevices have been inspected and checked, so no hidden bed bugs stay behind. If you want to be safe, place these cleaned items in plastic bags and place them in the freezer at zero degrees Fahrenheit for at least four days.
Toys Made From Paper
The most educational of toys, also known as books, can be cleaned like the aforementioned plastic and wood toys. Seal books inside of plastic bags and place them in the freezer at zero degrees Fahrenheit for at least four days. Make sure the house is bed bug free before stacking them back on the shelves.
All items can become infested by bed bugs during an infestation — even your childrens’ toys. When you fear your home has been overrun by bed bugs, contact Knockout Pest Control. To learn more or to schedule an inspection, give us a call at (800) 244-7378.