Buzzing Threats: Stinging Pests to Watch Out For in Your Backyard This Summer
During the summer, our backyards become a hub of activity for both us and a variety of buzzing stinging pests. While some of these insects play essential roles in the ecosystem, encountering them in close proximity to our homes can be a cause for concern, especially for New York homeowners.
In this blog post, we’ll shed light on the risks associated with several stinging pests you may see in your yard this summer, including: bumble bees, carpenter bees, hornets, yellow jackets, hornet wasps, paper wasps, and mud dauber wasps. And, keep in mind to protect your family and enjoy a worry-free summer, consider contacting Knockout Pest Control for our safe and effective KO-12 Annual Protection Plan!
Bumble Bees
Bumble bees are social insects, living in colonies with a queen, female workers, and male drones. Bumble bees are generally docile and less aggressive than other stinging pests. However, when their nests are disturbed or they feel threatened, they can deliver a painful sting. The bumble bee’s stinger lacks barbs, allowing them to sting repeatedly. While their venom is not overly potent, those who are allergic to bee stings should be cautious around these stinging insects.
Carpenter Bees
Carpenter bees resemble bumble bees but have a different nesting behavior. Unlike bumble bees, they are solitary insects, and their females excavate tunnels in wood to create their nests. Over time, these tunnels can cause significant structural damage to your home’s wooden structures, including decks, eaves, and outdoor furniture. Male carpenter bees may display aggressive behaviors like hovering near humans, but they lack a stinger and are incapable of stinging. Female carpenter bees, however, can (and will) sting if provoked.
Hornets are social wasps that form large colonies. They construct paper-like nests by chewing wood and mixing it with their saliva. These nests are often found hanging from trees or building exteriors. Hornets can become aggressive when their nests are threatened and are capable of delivering painful stings. Their venom contains a higher concentration of toxins compared to other wasps, making their stings particularly painful and potentially dangerous, especially for those with allergies.
Yellow Jackets
Yellow jackets are another social wasp species that build nests in various locations, such as underground, inside wall voids, or in shrubs and bushes. Their nests can contain thousands of individuals, and they are highly defensive of their colony. Yellow jackets are known for their aggressive behavior and can sting multiple times. Their stings can cause severe pain, swelling, and, in some cases, allergic reactions.
Hornet Wasps
Hornet wasps, like the bald-faced hornet, are also social insects that construct paper-like nests. These nests are usually found in trees or on building exteriors. Disturbing their nests can result in painful stings, and their venom can cause severe reactions in individuals with allergies. Unlike honey bees, hornet wasps can sting multiple times without harming themselves.
Paper Wasps
Paper wasps build open, umbrella-shaped nests under eaves, on branches, or in other sheltered areas. They are less aggressive compared to yellow jackets and hornets but can still deliver painful stings if their nests are threatened. Each paper wasp colony consists of a queen, female workers, and male drones. While their stings are not as potent as those of hornet wasps, caution should still be exercised around them.
Mud Dauber Wasps
Mud dauber wasps are solitary insects that build nests out of mud in sheltered locations, such as eaves, walls, or ceilings. They are typically non-aggressive and rarely sting unless directly handled or threatened. Mud daubers capture and paralyze spiders, which they place inside their nests as food for their offspring. While they are beneficial in controlling spider populations, their nests can be unsightly.
Protect Your Home from Stinging Insects with Knockout Pest Control’s KO-12 Annual Protection Plan
To safeguard your family and pets from the risks associated with New York’s stinging summer pests, consider enrolling in our KO-12 Annual Plan for year-round protection. Our expert technicians will address existing pest issues and implement preventive measures to keep stinging pests at bay. With our safe and effective approach, you can trust Knockout Pest Control to deliver peace of mind and a pest-free environment not just during the summer, but throughout the entire year!
Contact us now at (800) 244-7378 to learn more and schedule your free estimate.
Enjoy your summer without buzzing threats! Let Knockout Pest Control be your partner in safe and effective pest management.