How to Choose a Pest Control Company Choosing a pest control company isn’t easy. They all say they are the best. But how do you really know? What criteria should you consider? Get past all the claims and look at the unbiased third party ratings, standards and reviews. Better Business Bureau: Knockout is accredited The…
Summer is time to think about bees and wasps. Now that we finally have warm weather and can enjoy outdoor activities, both can put a sting into your summer fun. Before you plan a backyard activity, put some thought into preventing bees and wasps from becoming a pest. Identifying Bees Vs Wasps Bees These buzzing…
Not all ants are created equal, but any ant species can become a pest—particularly in the spring when new breeding queens look for new places to found new colonies. Now is the time to keep your eye peeled for carpenter ant and pavement ant infestations. The New York City metro area, including Long Island and…
Spring is termite swarm season when millions of hungry termites take wing to look for food. Don’t let your home become a new termite nest site. New York is in the heavy termite infestation belt. As many as one in five homes in the New York metro area have a termite problem. Here is a…
Knockout Pest Control, has been chosen as the pest management company for the Canon Americas Headquarters in Melville, New York, which recently earned LEED® Gold certification from the U.S. Green Building Council. Knockout is one of just 135 companies nationwide who have earned the Quality Pro Green certification from the National Pest Management Association. “Caring for…
The New York Real Estate Journal named Knockout Pest Control company of the month in April. 2014 and invited Arthur Katz to write about green pest control and how it saves building managers money. Download a reprint of the article “Green Pest Control Is Effective Pest Control” here. The article covers the “math of going…
It is termite swarming season in New York and Long Island. Here are some tips for dealing with termite problems. Termite Swarms Spread Termite Infestations Rain, followed by warm days, means termites from mature colonies are sprouting wings and taking flight to find new structures to infest. Take steps now to make sure your home…
Both can have wings. Both damage wood. Have you got termites or carpenter ants or both? Termites and Carpenter Ants Look Alike To the untrained eye, a carpenter ant and a termite in their winged phases can look an awful lot alike. It’s important to learn how to tell the difference so you know what…
Arthur Katz, president of Knockout Pest Control, will serve as Honorary Co-Chairman of the 29th Annual Nassau County Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Birthday Observance. Among the events planned for the holiday weekend is the Annual Scholarship presentation at the Awards Luncheon on Monday, January 20th, at 11:30 a.m. at the Marriott Hotel, located at…
Knockout Pest Control is a leader in commercial pest control and is an active member in a variety of business associations. The International Facilities Management Association asked us to provide insight into budgeting for pest control. When economic pressures grow, cutting certain budget line items looks attractive. Short term savings can cost in the long…