Nothing is sweeter than taking a bite out of a piece of homegrown fruit right from your own backyard garden! Unfortunately, there are many different wild animals and pests that…
FINALLY! The moment you’ve been waiting for all year… You’re about to leave for vacation! Whether you have a few days or just an afternoon before you leave, make sure…
Do you remember the last time you were stung by an insect? We’re sure you do… because we bet it was painful! In order to avoid being stung this summer,…
Are you the type of person that dreads mowing the lawn, pulling weeds, and trimming down plants on your property? (We don’t blame you… it’s a lot of work!) But…
When you become a parent, you start to realize all of the dangers there are in the world. One danger you can prevent is having pests in or around your…
Going out to eat during the spring and summer is always a fun experience — especially when restaurants have an outdoor patio you can sit on. For those in the…
You discover a wasp nest near (or on) your home. You layer up your clothing in preparation for combat. You find the longest broomstick you can find. You hit it…
Ticks: Protection & Removal Summer is the perfect time to go on a hike through the woods, climb a mountain, or lounge in the comfort of your backyard. However, you…
Can you name a better thing to do on a warm and sunny day than sitting on the patio, relaxing without a care in the world? Simple experiences like this…
Do you know what can ruin a really nice spring day? Spending it in the company of a wasp. Between the paranoia of thinking you’re going to be stung AND…