What You Can Do To Keep Bed Bugs Away From Your Workplace
Will you be headed back to the office this month? If you can relate, don’t be the coworker who accidentally brings bed bugs to your place of work! Find out what you can do to keep bed bugs away from your workplace.
Clean & Declutter Your Office
It is easier for bed bug infestations to thrive in dirty and cluttered environments. After all, bed bugs could be taking up shelter underneath all of the clutter! Keeping your office clean and free of clutter can deter bed bugs from making your workplace their new home.
Inspect Packages For Bed Bugs
Bed bugs can enter your workplace via packages. This is especially true if your office receives packages on a daily basis. To prevent a bed bug infestation in your place of work, be sure to inspect packages for bed bugs prior to bringing them inside.
Check Pieces Of Furniture For Bed Bugs
In addition to hiding in beds, bed bugs are also notorious for hiding in pieces of furniture. That is why it is so important to check each piece of furniture in your workplace for bed bugs. If you spot bed bugs in your office furniture, contact us immediately for assistance.
Did you discover that bed bugs have infiltrated your office space? If so, trust the professionals here at Knockout Pest Control to handle the situation. We can knockout bed bugs and keep them down for the count!
Call 1-800-244-PEST or 1-800-244-7378 to schedule an appointment with us.