How to Manage the NYC Rats in Your Home
Rats and NYC go together like popcorn and the movies, peanut butter and jelly, spaghetti and meatballs… you get what we mean! They’re a world famous pairing (even though we wish they weren’t).
For those living in New York City and the surrounding metro area, rats are a real issue that you must worry about. The last thing you need infesting your home or business is a pack of rats — and we’re not talking about Sinatra, Martin, and Davis Jr!
Be on the Lookout for Warning Signs
Since rats are mostly active in the dark, inspect both the interior and exterior of your home at night with a flashlight. Keep an eye out for:
- Nests & Burrows – Small holes roughly one to four inches in width; entrance and exit holes
- Droppings – Small, dark, and plentiful; oftentimes found close to garbage and moisture sources
- Gnaw Marks – Found on wooden and plastic structures and objects
Remove Their Food Source
Rats are always on the lookout for food and water. If you can deprive them of a means to survive, they’ll move on to somewhere else..
Take the garbage out of your home regularly to your main garbage bin outside. Make sure this bin is secured tightly with a lid. Otherwise, you’re inviting rats to an all you can eat buffet!
Another thing you should secure tightly is the food in your pantry. Place all boxed and bagged food in sealable plastic or glass containers. You should also clean up crumbs and spills as they happen — do not say to yourself “I’ll clean it later.”
Clean Your Home
Along with food and water, rats look for somewhere that can provide them with adequate shelter. So if your home is jam-packed with clutter, you’re a prime candidate for an infestation.
- Inside: Start clearing the clutter by recycling stacks of old magazines, junk mail, cardboard boxes, and plastic bags. Any items (like in basements, garages, and attics) that aren’t being used and are just sitting on the floor, place them in plastic storage containers and store them on a shelving unit.
- Outside: Remove any weeds and ivy that are growing on the front of your home or building. If you have a lawn, have it cut regularly to prevent tall grass from attracting rats. And of course — remove any debris from the front of your home.
Imagine having an infestation of rats in your home!?
Well, we’ve seen it thousands of times and it’s not a pretty sight! So the second you see one or notice the warning signs, schedule an inspection ASAP. The key to removing rat infestations is to stop it early.