Ticks and mosquitoes become more active as the weather gets warmer. If you will be enjoying outdoor activities during the spring and summer, there are certain steps you can take to protect yourself from these pests. Below are some tips that will help you avoid tick and mosquito bites. Apply Insect Repellent You can keep…
Once the weather warms up, more people will be spending time in the great outdoors. Being outside during the spring can put you at risk for getting a tick bite. Below are some precautions you can take to avoid getting a tick bite this season. Protect Yourself Before you go outside, you can protect yourself…
People tend to take advantage of the warm weather in the summertime. Ticks are also more prevalent in the great outdoors during this time of the year. Keep reading to learn what you can do to prevent tick bites. What To Wear Clothing can help shield your skin from tick bites. When you will be…

Each year, over 30,000 cases of Lyme disease are reported in the United States. While infected celebrities like Alec Baldwin, Avril Lavigne, and Ben Stiller have shed light on the…