Summer Maintenance Tips to Keep Mice Out

Summer in New York is the perfect time for outdoor barbecues, long nights on the patio, and making the most of every last moment of warm weather. But while you’re enjoying the season, mice might be busy looking for opportunities to sneak into your home.

As temperatures drop in the coming months, these tiny invaders will be even more eager to find a cozy spot in your house to settle down. Now is the time to be proactive and ensure that your home isn’t welcoming mice. Here’s how you can prevent a mouse problem before it starts.

Mice Prevention Tip #1: Seal Entry Points

One of the best ways to get rid of mice—or better yet, knock them out before they get in—is to ensure there are no convenient entry points into your home. Mice can squeeze through holes as small as a dime, so it’s crucial to inspect your home thoroughly.

Start by checking around doors, windows, and the foundation for any cracks or gaps. Seal these with caulk or weatherstripping to block their path. Pay special attention to areas where utilities enter your home, such as pipes or electrical lines. These spots are often overlooked but are prime entryways for mice. By taking the time to seal up these gaps, you’re making it much harder for mice to find their way inside.

Mice Prevention Tip #2: Keep Your Home Clean and Clutter-Free

Mice are constantly on the hunt for food and shelter. To make your house less appealing, keep it clean and organized. Regularly vacuum and sweep to ensure no crumbs or food scraps are readily available. Store food in airtight containers, especially in the pantry, where mice can easily access dry goods. Don’t forget to take out the trash frequently and keep garbage bins sealed tight, both inside and outside your home.

Clutter, particularly in bonus spaces like basements, attics, and garages, provides the perfect hiding spots for mice. They love to nest in piles of paper, fabric, or other materials. Take time to declutter these areas and store items in plastic bins with secure lids instead of cardboard boxes, which mice can easily chew through.

Mice Prevention Tip #3: Maintain Your Yard

Your yard can either be a deterrent or an invitation to mice. Overgrown grass, piles of leaves, or stacks of firewood close to your home can all attract mice. Keep your yard well-maintained by mowing the lawn regularly and trimming back any bushes or shrubs that are too close to the house. If you store firewood, keep it at least 20 feet away from your home and elevated off the ground. By reducing the cover that mice can use to approach your house, you’re making it much less likely that they’ll see your home as a potential nesting site.

Mice Prevention Tip #4: Address Moisture Issues

Mice are attracted to moisture, and homes with excess water can become prime targets for infestations. Leaky pipes, clogged gutters, and standing water around your home’s foundation can all create the ideal environment for mice. To prevent this, fix any plumbing issues as soon as you notice them and ensure your gutters and downspouts are clear and directing water away from your home. Inside, use a dehumidifier in damp areas like basements or crawl spaces to reduce moisture levels and make your home less appealing to mice and other common household pests.

Mice Prevention Tip #4: Call in a Professional New York Exterminator

While these maintenance tips are effective for preventing mice from entering your home, sometimes professional intervention is necessary. If you spot signs of mice, like droppings or gnawed materials, or hear scratching in the walls, it’s time to call in the experts. Knockout Pest Control offers the best way to get rid of mice in your New York home. Our team of professionals can conduct a thorough inspection to identify potential entry points and existing infestations, and provide targeted treatments to knock out the problem for good.

Knock Mice Out Before Fall Kicks In!

It’s essential to take action against mice now, during the late summer, before the cooler weather of fall and winter arrives. Mice will be looking for warm, safe places to nest as the temperature drops, and if they find an entry point into your home, you could be dealing with a full-blown infestation by the time winter sets in.

Don’t wait until fall to address a potential mouse problem. Contact Knockout Pest Control today to schedule a professional inspection.

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