How to Remove Mice From Heating Ducts
When you have an infestation of mice, your entire home is now their playground. From hiding in exhaust vents and attics to traveling in walls and heating ducts, mice can (and will) go anywhere they desire. If you’re currently hearing their pitter-patter in your heating ducts, here’s what you need to do:
Tips to Remove Mice From Heating Ducts
- Turn off your home’s heating system and allow some time to go by for everything to cool down. Proceed with removing the covers from the air vents.
- Purchase snap traps and the bait that will be used for them. Make sure you have at least one snap trap for each air vent and choose a bait with an aroma that will entice the mice. Peanut butter, bacon, chocolate, and dried food are all the best choices (avoid the easily perishable cheese).
- Place a loaded snap trap in each air vent, with the short side touching the wall of the duct, and the bait side closest to the wall. You can then reinstall the covers for each air vent.
- Each morning (and night if you’re an eager beaver), check on all of the traps by peering into the air vent with a flashlight. Remove any traps with dead mice and reset any traps that have gone off without killing a mouse.
- When removing dead mice, make sure you’re wearing rubber gloves to prevent the spread of bacteria and disease. Place the dead mouse and trap in a sealed plastic bag and throw it in the garbage outside of the house. Wash your hands immediately.
- Continue this process until all mice have been eliminated. If the mice keep coming or they aren’t buying into your traps, contact your local pest management company.
How to Keep Mice Out of Heating Ducts
- Inspect the exterior of your home for any possible gaps and holes that can act as entry points for mice and other pests.
- Use metal mesh to fill gaps and cover holes, along with the appropriate caulking to seal these for good.
- Add weatherstripping to door and window frames if there are any noticable spaces.
- Cover chimneys, exhaust vents, attic ventilation, etc. with screen covers.
If you have a mouse problem,there’s a really good chance some of them are using your heating ducts to travel. If you’re unable to handle this issue yourself, we’d be more than happy to help you out — just give us a call!