How to Keep Pests Away From Your Holiday Desserts


The holidays are almost here which means all of the delicious foods and desserts are in sight! When you start preparing for all of the desserts you’ll be making, make sure to check all of the ingredients. You don’t want to wind up baking cookies with ingredients that were tainted by a few dozen pantry pests.


What Are Pantry Pests
Pantry pests are a few different species of pests, such as Indian Meal Moths and Merchant Grain Beetles, that are commonly found in packaged food. Flour, dry cereals, nuts, spices, grains, etc. are a few types of packaged food that are highly sought after by these pests. In order to prevent these pests from infesting your food, a few things should be done in your kitchen.

Tips to Keep Pantry Pests Away

  • Always keep a clean kitchen; throw out garbage, wipe up spills, clean up all crumbs.
  • After purchasing packaged food, pour all of the contents into an airtight plastic or glass container. This will allow you to inspect the packaged food and keep it safe from possible pantry pests in the future.
  • Do not purchase packaged food that looks damaged or has been opened.
  • Always check the expiration dates of baking ingredients before using them.
  • Remove all moisture from the kitchen, such as leaking pipes, clogged drains, and always clean up any water that splashes outside of the sink.

The last thing you want to do is bite into your favorite holiday cookie and wind up chewing on a pantry pest. When you spot a pantry pest in your kitchen, contact Knockout Pest Control. To learn more, or to schedule an inspection, give us a call at (800) 244-7378.

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