An Easy Way to Check for Bed Bugs

bed bugs | exterminators | Knockout Pest Control

Nothing will ruin a relaxing vacation more than a hotel bed filled with bed bugs. These little blood suckers will latch onto your body, get into your luggage, and even hitch a ride back to your home with you. That’s why when you do travel, you need to be extra careful and check your hotel room for bed bugs.

Understand Who You’re Dealing With
Before you head out on your vacation, do some homework on these little pests. If you get to the hotel and you don’t know what they look like, how big they are, or where they can be found, you could be in big trouble. Bed bugs will reproduce at a rapid rate, so the few that you didn’t see at first could multiply into a full blown infestation by the end of the trip.

Where Art Thou Bed Bugs?
It’s common knowledge that bed bugs are commonly found in — Beds! Additionally, bed bugs are also found under the box spring, behind headboards, around nightstands, in surrounding furniture, and on linens. Bed bugs can be found pretty much anywhere in a hotel room, so you’ll want to take the proper precautions to avoid becoming infested.

What to Do When You Arrive
The most common thing to do when you arrive in a hotel room is to throw your bags (and yourself) onto the bed. Instead, place your bags on a luggage rack to avoid having your personal belongings touch anything, including the floor. Next, scan the bed and all of the surrounding furniture for these miniature pests. Throughout your trip you should also avoid leaving your clothes and belongings on the floor. Place all of your dirty clothes in a separate bag where they can remain safe from these nomadic travelers.

Checking for bed bugs should be the first thing you do when you arrive at your hotel room, as well as when you return home from your trip. If you happen to discover bed bugs upon your return, contact Knockout Pest Control immediately before an infestation begins. To learn more, or to schedule an inspection, give us a call at (800) 244-7378.

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