Seven Scary Spots Spiders Stay

As fall settles in New York, the cool weather may send shivers down your spine—but what’s even scarier is what might be lurking in the dark, hidden corners of your home. Spiders, especially wolf spiders and common house spiders, are notorious for creeping into New York homes this time of year. They take advantage of the cozy indoor climate and hide in places you might least expect. With Halloween around the corner, it’s the perfect time to talk about these spooky visitors and their favorite hiding spots. Whether you’re dealing with a harmless common house spider or a fast-moving wolf spider, it’s important to know where spiders hide and how to keep them out.

1. Basements and Crawl Spaces

One of the most common places to find a hiding spider is in the basement or crawl space. These dark, damp areas offer the perfect spider habitat. Wolf spiders, for example, are hunters that don’t spin webs to catch their prey. Instead, they prefer to lurk in areas where they can chase down insects. Basements and crawl spaces often provide ample food and shelter, making them a favorite spot for these creepy crawlers.

If you notice a wolf spider in your basement, don’t panic. While a wolf spider bite is rarely dangerous to humans, these spiders can still be intimidating. Their large size and quick movements are enough to send most people running! If you see one, chances are there could be more lurking nearby.

2. Corners of Rooms

Common house spiders love to set up shop in the upper corners of rooms, where they can build their webs undisturbed. These spiders are typically brown or grey with a small, round body. While the sight of a web-covered corner might give you goosebumps, the common house spider is relatively harmless. However, they can become a nuisance if left unchecked.

3. Behind Appliances

Have you ever pulled out your refrigerator or stove only to be greeted by a spider scurrying away? Spiders, including wolf spiders and house spiders, love hiding behind appliances. These spaces are often dark and warm, making them ideal habitats for spiders to live and hunt undisturbed. Plus, crumbs or food debris that accumulate behind appliances can attract insects, giving spiders an easy meal.

4. Closets and Storage Boxes

Another spooky spot for spiders to hide is your closet or storage boxes. Common house spiders and wolf spiders often crawl into these dark, cluttered areas, using them as quiet places to build webs or simply rest. Your off-season clothes, holiday decorations, or cardboard boxes can serve as spider sanctuaries.

5. Attics

Like basements, attics are another haven for spiders. Wolf spiders, in particular, may hide in attics during the fall, searching for insects to prey on. Attics are often rarely disturbed, making them the perfect place for spiders to breed and multiply. Whether it’s a wolf spider or a common house spider, once they make themselves at home, they can be difficult to remove without professional help.

6. Windowsills

Windowsills are another common place where black house spiders like to set up their webs. These spiders tend to be more secretive, hiding in the crevices around windows where they can capture insects. While house spider bites are not a major risk, their webs can be unsightly and difficult to clean up if left for too long.

7. Outdoor Entry Points

Spiders don’t just appear in your home out of nowhere—they come in through small cracks and gaps in your doors, windows, and foundation. Wolf spiders, in particular, are outdoor hunters, but they’ll come inside if they find an opening. Once indoors, they’ll hide in any dark corner they can find. Ensuring that your doors and windows are properly sealed is a great first step in preventing a spider invasion.

Knock Out Spiders This Fall with Knockout Pest Control

As the weather cools and Halloween creeps closer, don’t let the scary sight of spiders send shivers down your spine. Whether it’s a wolf spider hiding in your basement or a common house spider building webs in your windowsill, Knockout Pest Control has the expertise to knock them out for good.

Our professional spider control services in New York are designed to target the areas where spiders love to hide and prevent them from coming back. Contact Knockout Pest Control today to schedule a treatment and keep your home spider-free this fall.

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