Avoid Bringing Bed Bugs Home From Spring Vacation
People in the northeast relish the idea of a Spring vacation. They escape the tail end of the brutal winter cold and jet off to warmer tropics. What happens on vacation doesn’t always stay on vacation. It’s important to be aware of pests hiding in your luggage on your trip home. That’s right! We’re talking about bed bugs.
A common misconception about bed bugs is that they are only found in hotels. However bed bugs can be found anywhere there are human beings. If you are staying at an Airbnb for your Spring vacation, you should still be on the lookout for bed bugs.
Here are a few tips to ensure you don’t bring bed bugs home with you:
When you arrive:
- Inspect the room before unpacking. Search behind the headboard, under the lamp shades, inside the dresser drawers, sofa and chairs.
- Always pull back the bedding and inspect the mattress and box springs. You’re looking for pepper-like stains or spots.
- In most hotels, the trash bins come stocked with extra bags. Place your suitcase in the trash bag for the duration of your trip.
- Do not store your luggage on the carpeted floors, chairs, or beds. It is safest to leave your bags on a tile floor or elevated rack.
- If you suspect your room is infested, notify management immediately and request to change rooms. Bed bugs can easily move rooms through housekeeping carts and luggage so you’ll want to reinspect your new room.
When you arrive home:
- Inspect your suitcase before bringing it into the home. This is especially easy to do if you have a garage where you can empty your clothes out.
- Put your clothes immediately into the wash, even those items you may not have worn. Wash with hot water to kill any bacteria or bugs.
- Vacuum your suitcase before putting it back into storage.
- If you have clothes that need to be dry-cleaned, keep them in a sealed bag until you are able to transport them.
While these tips are favorable in preventing a bed bug infestation, it is not guaranteed that bed bugs won’t find their way into your suitcase or home. If you suspect you have a bed bug infestation contact Knockout Pest Control immediately.